
Distribuidor de TVS - Grupo Motomex en México

Motomex Group in Mexico

MotoMex Motors. is the sole authorized distributor of TVS Motor Company in Mexico from September 2015. The company is operated by Shanker Group. Shanker group was founded in the year 1979 by Mr. Shanker Lal Agrawal with integration of diversified operating companies, which had grown over the years since the initial foray in to business by Mr. Rawat Mal Agarwal in Rangoon, Burma in 1930 and the beginning in Mexico in the year 1960 with the setup of company manufacturing buttons. The Shanker Group comprises operating companies in various business sectors: Automotive, Steel, Cement, Engineering, Electronics, Investment, Jewelry, Materials, Mining, Packaging, Real Estate, Synthetics, Textiles, Travel & Hospitality and Trading.
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