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TVS Motor Company is the 4th largest 2-wheeler manufacturer in the world with revenue of over US $3.2 billion. It has annual sales of more than 4 million units and a production capacity of over 5.5 million 2-wheelers and 250 thousand 3-wheelers annually. TVS has empowered over 50 million customers globally.

Agrégateur de contenus

TVS Motor, a Truely International Brand
Legacy of 112 Years of Trust and Innovation
Legacy of 112 years of Trust and Innovation
50+ Million Happy Customers
50 Million Plus Happy Customers of TVS Family

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Prix et réalisations

La marca más confiable, Bike Awards 2023. La mejor marca en satisfacción del cliente.

Agrégateur de contenus

TVS Motor Trusted Brand Acchivement Award

TVS Motor has been ranked No.1 Company in the J.D Power Customer Service Satisfaction Survey for consecutive four years.

TVS Motor Acchivement Award

Best 2-wheeler manufacturer of the year at the Bike India AWARDS, 2023

TVS Motor Customer Satisfaction Award

TVS Motor Company is the only two-wheeler company in the world to be awarded the world's most prestigious and coveted recognition in TQM.